Through our on-site diagnostics, we can ensure the efficiency and reliability of your equipment.
An important aspect of our diagnostics is the measurement of the so-called C-tanδ value. This measurement makes it possible to evaluate the insulation quality of your bushings and detect potential problems at an early stage. By analyzing the C-tanδ value in detail, we can gain information about the condition of the insulation, aging and possible defects.
C-tanδ measurement
In addition to C-tanδ measurement, we also offer partial discharge measurements. Partial discharges are small electrical discharges within insulation that often indicate anomalies or wear. By measuring and analyzing partial discharges, we can identify potential weak points and take appropriate measures to prevent damage.
Operational safety assessment
Our diagnostic service offers you a comprehensive assessment of the operational reliability of your equipment. Precise measurements and analyses can identify potential weak points and problems at an early stage. This enables you to take appropriate measures to minimize downtime and maximize the efficiency of your systems.